While working on laser of higher class than class 1, it is mandatory to :
- Have the perfect control over the beam, from the source to the detector :
Every fully or partially reflecting object must be tightly fixed
One must perfectly know his experiment and the exact trajectory of the beam. This knowledge allows one to find the accidental reflections and to stop them (using absorbing, non-reflecting shutters)
In order to stop the beam, one must minimize the diffused radiation consequent to, for example, the interception of a high power laser by some cardboard. It is much better to use an adapted tool, such as a beam dump or some diffusive foam inside an opaque tube.
- Take all the available precautions :
Make the adjustments at low power
Never place one's eyes in the laser propagation axis
Always work without wearing any reflecting object like a watch, bracelet, ring...
Always work with some minimal ambient lightning, in order to prevent the pupil from being wide opened
And of course, always wear adapted safety goggles