Indicate which statements are true:
The longer the lifespan of a wave front, the more monochromatic the light.
The longer the lifespan of a wave front, the weaker the frequency.
The longer the lifespan of a wave front, the larger the coherence length.
In emptiness, the triad
is orthogonal for an electromagnetic wave.
A parallel beam of light represents a plane wave.
Wave surfaces contain light rays.
Quasi monochromatic light has a large spectrum.
The coherence length of a quasi monochromatic laser (gas) source
is large, up to several meters.
A wave surface is the site of all points where the electrical field vectors oscillate at the same phase (modulo
Two wave surfaces at a distance of
oscillates at the same phase (modulo
Two polarized rectilinear waves whose polarization directions intersect at an angle of 90˚can interfere.
Two polarized rectilinear wave whose polarization directions intersect at an angle of 45˚can interfere.
The fringe contrast of interferences is the greatest when the two sources have the same intensity.